Cheryl Spots
So, I was in Soho both Friday and Saturday afternoons last weekend and managed two big fashion-celeb spottings: Friday, outside Dean & Deluca, I noticed a guy wearing Free City sweatpants. I nearly lost my own pants when I realized the wearer of said pants was...Marc freaking Jacobs, my idol. I had to pull over and compose myself before I continued walking down the block. I wonder if he noticed I was carrying one of his (several seasons old) bags. Probably not. Either way, I am happy to report that Marc is tan and healthy-looking.

If I hadn't seen MJ himself the day before, I probably would've been more excited about America's Next Top Model's Jay Manuel, who was walking on Prince, just west of West Broadway, on Saturday afternoon. He was walking on the wrong side of the crowded sidewalk and just as he was about to get all up in my grill, he offered a lispy "sor-ry" and got out of my way. Let me tell you, I saw him half a block away--he has the strangest spiky silver hair, and it is by no means "fierce."

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